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An effective mechanical engineering education must give students the skills they need to integrate scientific theory with practical applications. Students must develop mastery of physical, mathematical, and engineering modeling, as well as of core mechanical engineering concepts and principles such as solid mechanics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics. However, the development of these skills alone is insufficient, and must be coupled with practical skills and familiarity with best engineering practices. It is this integration of theory, modeling, and practice that provides the basis for achievement in an engineering career. Therefore, our primary goal in engineering education is to enable students to make this link between theory and practice so that they can have a successful future in engineering.

Undergraduate level course on modeling, design, integration and best practices for use of machine elements such as bearings, springs, gears, cams and mechanisms. Modeling and analysis of these elements is based upon extensive application of physics, mathematics and core mechanical engineering principles (solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, manufacturing, estimation, computer simulation, etc...).

Advanced, graduate level course on the design, modeling and assembly of precision mechanical devices. Topics covered include constraints, alignment mechanisms, precision bearings including air bearings and flexural bearings, kinematic couplings, error budgeting, instrumentation and measurement. A major component of this course is the design and fabrication of a precision desktop lathe.

The objective of this course is to help develop the engineering student’s understanding of the capabilities and limitations of machine tools commonly used in prototyping and manufacturing. Students will acquire personal experience operating equipment to gain knowledge of the parameters and limitations for production needs in industry.
The nanoscale science and engineering course is an advanced undergraduate/ graduate level course that focuses on how device physics change as materials approach the nanoscale and quantum effects become significant. This class draws on knowledge from quantum mechanics, solid state physics, materials science, and thermodynamics to examine nanoscale phenomena. Classical and quantum mechanical calculations are used to model and design electrical and mechanical devices.